What is a Pore?

A pore is simply a hole in the skin that extends through several layers of skin. It finally ends as a small opening on the skin’s surface. Every hair follicle has a pore. In fact, there are roughly 5 million on the human body! But the hair pores are not the ones that tend to be cosmetically bothersome. Pores help protect our skin from wind and cold, wash out toxins, help with temperature regulation, and aid in moisturizing our skin.

Why are my Pores enlarged?

Pores may appear enlarged for a number of reasons:

Genetic Predisposition


As we age, our skin loses elasticity, causing pores to appear larger.

Sun Exposure

Exposure to the sun thickens the skin increasing the physical prominence of the pore

Oil Production

Oil, dirt, and dead skin cells often collect around pores, causing the opening to appear larger and can block the pore, resulting in acne. When we squeeze on our skin, the pore can become damaged and stretched.

Treatment Options


M22 IPL treatment is used to rejuvenate skin, reduce the appearance of large pores and tightens the skin, thus minimizes the appearance of skin pores.

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels are used for reducing the appearance of facial pores.

Daily Hygiene

Wash your skin daily. It is extremely important to remove all of the make-up and daily dirt that accumulates. We recommend using a make-up remover first. Then use a washcloth to cleanse your face. Depending on your skin type, a gentle exfoliating scrub is recommended anywhere from once a week and even up to daily use. You don’t want your skin to become too dry or oily. When the skin becomes overly dry, the body responds by creating more oil to compensate, thus worsening the problem.

Moisturizer with SPF 30

Use a daily moisturizer with SPF 30 that contains titanium dioxide and zinc. This will help prevent the rims of your pores from becoming tough and enlarged due to the sun’s damaging effects.

After examining your skin, we will be able to recommend a treatment approach that will work best for you.